
  • Yarn: 80% New Zealand Wool, 20% viscose, with Recycled Cotton Backing

    Construction: High Density Hand Tufted with Carving

    Size: Rugs are made to your size requirements. Maximum rug width is 5m, and there is no limit to length. For any rug need wider than 5m, please contact us to discuss further. 

    Thickness: 10mm

    Application: Rug can be bound or left unfinished for insetting

    Colourways: Green, Blue

    Lead Time: All rugs are manufactured to your size requirement, 10-12 week lead time.

    Additional Resources >

  • Sustainability and Social Responsibility Initiatives in partnership with our manufacturer, Obeetee:

    Responsible Wool

    Ethical Treatment of workers

    GreenLabel+ promoting indoor air quality

    Our Mission >

Uniquely woven for your project

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The Specs


All rugs are woven to your size. 
5M maximum width, unlimited length.


12mm total product thickness.


Made from 100% high-quality New Zealand wool and 20% viscose.


Bound with a cotton backing and hand sewn edges or left unfinished for insetting.